I'm using a hosted Linux machine so I don't have permissions to write
into the /usr/lib
When I try to install a CPAN module by doing the usual:
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install
That module is extracted to a blib/lib/
folder. I have kept use
but it still the compiler says module can not be
found. I have tried copying the .pm file into local directory and kept
require ModuleName
but still it gives me some error.
How can I install a module into some other directory and use it?
I had a similar problem, where I couldn't even install local::lib
I created an installer that installed the module somewhere relative to the .pl files
The install goes like:
perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=./modulos
make install
Then, in the .pl file that requires the module, which is in ./
use lib qw(./modulos/share/perl/5.8.8/); # You may need to change this path
use module::name;
The rest of the files (makefile.pl, module.pm, etc) require no changes.
You can call the .pl file with just
perl file.pl