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How get angular ng2-smart-table filtering and sorting external events?

I have REST API backend so all sorting, filtering and pagination is manages by backend. On my Angular aplictation I want to display data at ng2 smart table. After clicking on table header column name (sorting asc, desc) is table content sorted only on frontend side. I need to get some event to call REST API to updated data ( Not only frontend sorting ), the same I need to filtering by headers input fields. After typing to filtering input I need to call rest api to get filtered data from backend.

If I set table mode external I get events only for creating new item, deleting item and editing event. How could I get sorting and filtering events?

I tried everithing from smart table doc but in docs are solution only for create delete and update external event not sorting and filtering


  • Try to add this code in your ngOnInit()

    this.tableData.onChanged().subscribe((change) => {
      if (change.action === 'filter') {        
        // Do whatever you want with the filter event

    Note: this.tableData is your LocalDataSource.

    Link for more details