I want to combine two columns in my DataTable. I have name
and surname
but I want to combine them and show just one column with the full name.
<th>{{ trans('labels.backend.patients.table.id') }}</th>
<th>{{ trans('labels.backend.patients.table.nom_patient') }}</th>
<th>{{ trans('labels.backend.patients.table.prenom_patient') }}</th>
<th>{{ trans('labels.backend.patients.table.date_naissance') }}</th>
DataTable Ajax
columns: [ {data: 'id', name: '{{config('module.patients.table')}}.id'},
{data: 'nom_patient', name: '{{config('module.patients.table')}}.nom_patient'},
{data: 'prenom_patient', name: '{{config('module.patients.table')}}.prenom_patient'},
In your case I would create an accessor in your model:
getNomCompletAttribute() {
return $this->prenom . ' ' . $this->nom;
I believe you can now just call nom_complet
like it would be a regular field in the datatables.
Docs: https://laravel.com/docs/5.7/eloquent-mutators#defining-an-accessor