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How to fix "RuntimeError: Missing implementation that supports: loader" when calling hub.text_embedding_column method?

I'm trying to fit a text classification model. Therefore i wanted to use the text_embedding_column function provided by tensorflow-hub. Unfortunately i get a runtime error

import tensorflow_hub as hub
embedded_text_feature_column = hub.text_embedding_column(

The error i get is the following:

RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-18-df9239a27166> in <module>()
      2 embedded_text_feature_column = hub.text_embedding_column(
      3     key="sentence",
----> 4     module_spec="")

/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow_hub/ in text_embedding_column(key, module_spec, trainable)
     72      ValueError: if module_spec is not suitable for use in this feature column.
---> 74   module_spec = module.as_module_spec(module_spec)
     75   _check_module_is_text_embedding(module_spec)
     76   return _TextEmbeddingColumn(key=key, module_spec=module_spec,

/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow_hub/ in as_module_spec(spec)
     31     return spec
     32   elif isinstance(spec, six.string_types):
---> 33     return load_module_spec(spec)
     34   else:
     35     raise ValueError("Unknown module spec type: %r" % type(spec))

/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow_hub/ in load_module_spec(path)
     57   path = registry.resolver(path)
---> 58   return registry.loader(path)

/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow_hub/ in __call__(self, *args, **kwargs)
     43     raise RuntimeError(
     44         "Missing implementation that supports: %s(*%r, **%r)" % (
---> 45             self._name, args, kwargs))

RuntimeError: Missing implementation that supports: loader(*('/var/folders/pc/h0fr0z2x1pjbmdb63mhn84_w0000gn/T/tfhub_modules/32f2b2259e1cc8ca58c876921748361283e73997',), **{})


  • I walked through the same error and this is how I solved it;

    My error was:

    RuntimeError: Missing implementation that supports: loader(*('C:\\Users\\Alber\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\tfhub_modules\\a7fe827a4e68369aab0fa6a65479cd37c499e0f4',), **{})

    So the problem was with the following path:


    Just with the explorer I checked the path and found that the a7fe827a4e68369aab0fa6a65479cd37c499e0f4 folder was empty. I don't know why but that shouldn't happen.

    Then I just deleted the a7fe827a4e68369aab0fa6a65479cd37c499e0f4 folder and even the tf_hub folder (because I didn't have any other thing but I think it's not necessary to remove the tf_hub folder).

    After that I run the script and it downloaded again the required modules normally

    INFO:tensorflow:Using C:\Users\Alber\AppData\Local\Temp\tfhub_modules to cache modules.
    INFO:tensorflow:Downloading TF-Hub Module ''.
    INFO:tensorflow:Downloading 38.58MB