On an Angular 7 component I am calling a service:
.subscribe((response: GetPostsByCategoryIdResponse>) => {
this.posts = response.map((post: PostModel) => ({
id: response.id,
title: response.title,
category: response.category.name
I am mapping the GetPostsByCategoryIdResponse, which mimics the data structure returned by the API, to a PostModel which is used in the component.
The PostService's GetByCategoryId is calling an API:
public GetByCategoryId(id: number): Observable<GetPostsByCategoryIdResponse> {
return this.httpClient.get<GetPostsByCategoryIdResponse>(url);
How to handle errors that might occurred when calling the API?
To catch errors, you "pipe" the observable result from http.get() through an RxJS catchError() operator.
return this.httpClient.get<GetPostsByCategoryIdResponse>(url)
.pipe(catchError((error) => {
// some code
return throwError("some error");
Also, to mimic the data as accepted by the postModel, you can use rxjs's map() operator to modify the Observable instead of modifying the result in subscribe().
return this.httpClient.get<GetPostsByCategoryIdResponse>(url)
map(data) => {
// your mapping
return mappedData
catchError((error) => {
// some code
return throwError("some error");