i have spring boot application that uses my database schema. Lets say i have non-empty schema with table APPLICATION_USERS
defined as follows:
create table AREA
name NVARCHAR2(36) not null,
id NUMBER not null
now i wanted to add FlyWay to my application. I have defined in my application properties flyway.baselineOnMigrate=true
to start initial Flyway deployment and spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=validate
to validate my Enities agains schema, however upon starting application i get following error:
wrong column type encountered in column [name] in table [APPLICATION_USERS]; found [nvarchar2 (Types#OTHER)], but expecting [varchar2(255 char) (Types#VARCHAR)]
as far as i understand it, it complains about NVARCHAR2
, as it expect varchar
how can i force hibernate to accept nvarchar2
as varchar
i know i can use columnDefinition
on my entity attributes, however this is not my dream solution, is there any other way?
I assume that you are using Oracle database.
You have to annotate your the attribute name in your Entity with Nationalized
private String name;
You also could register your own dialect:
public class CustomOracleDialect extends Oracle10gDialect {
public CustomOracleDialect() {
registerColumnType(Types.NVARCHAR, "nvarchar2($l)");
registerHibernateType(Types.NVARCHAR, StandardBasicTypes.STRING.getName());