I'm fetching record of players having categorized with golf handicaps. Like players having handicap between 0 to 5 lies in 0-5 range and similarly having handicap between 6-11 lies in the range of 6-11 and so on and so forth. What I'm trying is to fetch top 3 players from each range so that I can setup flights for each rounds.
I have used partition by clause to separate records and ROW_NUMBER to get top 3 players from each range. In order to define ranges, i have used multiple cases. Now how do i use range as alias name with partition by or any way that can generate the correct result. Below is my query.
select * from (
select uu.Id, firstname, lastname, userhandicap,
case when userhandicap>=0 and userhandicap<=5 then '0-5'
when userhandicap>=6 and userhandicap<=11 then '6-11'
when UserHandicap>=12 and UserHandicap<=18 then '12-18'
when UserHandicap>=19 and UserHandicap<=26 then '19-26'
else '27 and above' end as range, RN = ROW_Number() over (PARTITION BY
range order by cast(userhandicap as int))
from dbo.[User] uu inner join dbo.[EventRegisteredUsers] eru
on uu.Id = eru.UserId
where eru.UserId not in (Select fp.UserId from dbo.[FlightPlayer] fp
inner join dbo.[Flight] f
on fp.FlightId = f.Id
where f.Rounds = '1'
and f.Starthole = '0a9b926e-0baa-4369-8cf8-8fc84ca80d65' and f.EventId =
and eru.EventId = '7de10ad6-098d-419f-9c2d-2e62803ad1f7') uu
uu.RN <= 3
You can use apply
to define the range
value within the subquery. This is the simplest method for defining the range:
select *
from (select uu.Id, firstname, lastname, userhandicap,
row_number() over (partition by v.range order by cast(userhandicap as int)) as seqnum
from dbo.[User] uu inner join
dbo.[EventRegisteredUsers] eru
on uu.Id = eru.UserId cross apply
(values (case when userhandicap <= 5 then '0-5'
when userhandicap <= 11 then '6-11'
when UserHandicap <= 18 then '12-18'
when UserHandicap <= 26 then '19-26'
else '27 and above'
) v(range)
where not exists (select 1
from dbo.[FlightPlayer] fp join
dbo.[Flight] f
on fp.FlightId = f.Id
where eru.UserId = fp.UserId and
f.Rounds = '1' and
f.Starthole = '0a9b926e-0baa-4369-8cf8-8fc84ca80d65' and
f.EventId = '7de10ad6-098d-419f-9c2d-2e62803ad1f7'
) and
eru.EventId = '7de10ad6-098d-419f-9c2d-2e62803ad1f7'
) uu
where uu.seqnum <= 3;
Note other changes to the query:
not in
with a subquery. If the subquery returns a NULL
value, then all values are filtered out. That is not (usually) the expected behavior.case
expression is overly complicated. Use the fact that case
is guaranteed to evaluate the conditions in order.handicap
is not ever negative, based on your original logic (and the rules of golf), so I am comfortable removing that condition.