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Laravel Select unique count with groupBy

I am trying to get the count of unique batches in gift_code table for each campaign. The gift_code table is joined to campaign table by campaign_id.

Here is some sample data for campaign table.

|campaign_id  | name        |
| 1           | abc         |
| 2           | xyz         |

Below is some sample data for gift_code table.

|gift_code_id | campaign_id | batch    | unique_code  |
| 1           | 1           |    1     | zxc23        |
| 2           | 1           |    2     | rtc26        |
| 3           | 2           |    1     | z8723        |
| 4           | 2           |    2     | h7c26        |
| 5           | 2           |    2     | rrcf6        |
| 6           | 2           |    3     | r7y28        |
| 7           | 2           |    3     | bnc26        |
 $campaign = DB::table('campaign')
                    ->select('campaign.*', DB::raw('count(gift_code.batch) as batch_count')->groupBy('gift_code.campaign_id')->groupBy('gift_code.batch'))
                    ->leftjoin('gift_code', 'campaign.campaign_id', '=', 'gift_code.campaign_id')

My expected results are:

|campaign_id  | name        |batch_count| 
| 1           | abc         |    2      |
| 2           | xyz         |    3      |


  • Try below query

    $data = \DB::table('campaign as c')
           ->leftJoin('gift_code as gc','c.campaign_id','=','gc.campaign_id')
           ->select('c.*',\DB::raw('COUNT(distinct(gc.batch)) as batch_count'))