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HMAC SHA-1 Signature not giving correct output as expected

I am trying to create a HMAC-SHA1 signature of a test input but it isn't giving the result as expected. Code is tested in JS which gives a correct output but in python it doesn't. The expected signature of the output is


But giving


from base64 import b64encode
import hmac
import hashlib

user = 'Test'
key = b'Test'
date = 'Thu, 25 Aug 2016 07:47:00 GMT'
salt = 'fqLwoha51ESIWC5'
requestLine = "GET /user HTTP/1.1"
stringtosign = requestLine+'\n'+'x-date:'+date+'\nsalt:'+salt
signature = b64encode(, bytes(stringtosign.encode('utf-8')), hashlib.sha1).digest()).decode().rstrip()

JS Code

var crypto = require("crypto");
var date = "Thu, 25 Aug 2016 07:47:00 GMT";
var username="Test";
var secret = "Test";
var requestline = "GET /user HTTP/1.1";
var salt = "fqLwoha51ESIWC5";
var stringToSign = requestline + "\n" + "x-date: " + date + "\n" + "salt: " + salt;
var requestline = "GET /user HTTP/1.1";
var encodedSignature = crypto.createHmac("sha1", secret).update(stringToSign).digest("base64");
var hmacAuth = 'hmac username="' + username + '",algorithm="hmac-sha1",headers="request-line x-date salt",signature="' + encodedSignature + '"';


  • You have extra spaces in the javascript version (or missing spaces in the Python) of the string you are signing after x-date and salt. Every character counts here:

    'GET /user/tuid=352745859?siteid=80001 HTTP/1.1\nx-date:Thu, 25 Aug 2016 07:47:00 GMT\nsalt:fqLwoha51ESIWC5'
    'GET /user/tuid=352745859?siteid=80001 HTTP/1.1\nx-date: Thu, 25 Aug 2016 07:47:00 GMT\nsalt: fqLwoha51ESIWC5

    Change these and you should get the same result