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Implementing a flash message on a Smarty site?

I'm trying to implement a "Flash Message" (a little message that'll show on the top on the "next" request, saying things like "record saved"), in a PHP site that has pretty messy code and uses Smarty.

The best I could come up with is:

  1. I set the message in a specially named variable in $_SESSION
  2. My "header" template checks for that variable ($smarty.session.flash) and if it's set, it shows the message
  3. After rendering, and only if a template was rendered, clear the $_SESSION variable.

My problem is with #3. The only way I could find of doing it was registering an output filter with Smarty:

function smarty_outputfilter_flashmessage($tpl_output, $smarty) {
    if (isset($_SESSION['flash'])) {
        $_SESSION['flash'] = "";
    return $tpl_output;


The problem with that is that, if a template has sub-templates, that function gets called for each sub-template. Also, there are a number of places in the code that do

$variable = $smarty->fetch('something.tpl')

which also triggers my outputfilter.

When that happens, the output filter clears the session variable before the header template is rendered, and the message is lost.

Any ideas/suggestions on how to better do this?

Is there some kind of PHP built-in callback to execute a custom function when a request "ends"? (With that, I could add the clearing there, and have the output_filter simply set a variable to show whether something was rendered)

Ideally, something that gets called unless the code calls die()?

Or, of course, another completely different and better way to do this?



  • I haven't seriously used PHP or Smarty in ages, but instead of trying to guess when a template was rendered, can't you do a Smarty function that does something like:

    function smarty_function_pop_flash_message($params, $smarty) {
        $msg = "";
        if (isset($_SESSION['flash'])) {
            $msg = $_SESSION['flash'];
            $_SESSION['flash'] = "";
        return $msg;

    And then in the template where you show this message:

    {if isset($smarty.session.flash) && $smarty.session.flash != ''}
        <div id="flash">{pop_flash_message}</div>