I'm playing around with TLA+, and thought I'd write the following clearly false specification in PlusCal:
---- MODULE transfer ----
EXTENDS Naturals, TLC, Sequences
(* --algorithm transfer
\* Simple algorithm:
\* 1. Start with a shared-memory list with one element.
\* 2. A process adds arbitrary numbers of elements to the list.
\* 3. Another process removes arbitrary numbers of elements from the list,
\* but only if the list has more than one item in it. This check is
\* applied just before trying to removing an element.
\* Is it true that the list will always have a length of 1?
\* You would expect this to be false, since the adder process can add more elements
\* than the remover process can consume.
variables stack = <<0>>
process Adder = 0
stack := Append(stack, Len(stack));
either goto AddElement
or skip
end either;
end process;
process Remover = 1
\* Pop from the front of the stack
if Len(stack) > 1 then
stack := Tail(stack);
end if;
either goto RemoveElement
or skip
end either;
end process;
end algorithm *)
IsStackAlwaysUnitLength == Len(stack) = 1
After checking IsStackAlwaysUnitLength
as one of the temporal properties to report on, I expected TLA+ to mark this property as failed.
However, all states passed! Why is it not failing?
On debugging with print
statements, I noticed the following odd behaviour:
process Adder = 0
print stack;
print "Adder applied!";
stack := Append(stack, Len(stack));
print stack;
print "Adder task complete!";
\* Force
either goto AddElement
or skip
end either;
end process;
process Remover = 1
\* Pop from the front of the stack
print stack;
print "Remover applied!";
if Len(stack) > 1 then
stack := Tail(stack);
print stack;
print "Remover task complete!";
print "Remover task complete!";
end if;
either goto RemoveElement
or skip
end either;
end process;
yields in the debugging panel
"Adder applied!"
"Adder task complete!"
"Remover applied!"
"Remover applied!"
"Remover task complete!"
"Remover task complete!"
"Adder applied!"
"Adder task complete!"
I'm unsure why stack := Append(stack, Len(stack));
and stack := Tail(stack);
are not updating the global stack
---- MODULE transfer ----
EXTENDS Naturals, TLC, Sequences
(* --algorithm transfer
variables stack = <<0>>
process Adder = 0
stack := Append(stack, Len(stack));
either goto AddElement
or skip
end either;
end process;
process Remover = 1
\* Pop from the front of the stack
if Len(stack) > 1 then
stack := Tail(stack);
end if;
either goto RemoveElement
or skip
end either;
end process;
end algorithm *)
VARIABLES stack, pc
vars == << stack, pc >>
ProcSet == {0} \cup {1}
Init == (* Global variables *)
/\ stack = <<0>>
/\ pc = [self \in ProcSet |-> CASE self = 0 -> "AddElement"
[] self = 1 -> "RemoveElement"]
AddElement == /\ pc[0] = "AddElement"
/\ stack' = [stack EXCEPT ![0] = Append(stack, Len(stack))]
/\ \/ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT ![0] = "AddElement"]
\/ /\ TRUE
/\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT ![0] = "Done"]
Adder == AddElement
RemoveElement == /\ pc[1] = "RemoveElement"
/\ IF Len(stack) > 1
THEN /\ stack' = [stack EXCEPT ![1] = Tail(stack)]
/\ stack' = stack
/\ \/ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT ![1] = "RemoveElement"]
\/ /\ TRUE
/\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT ![1] = "Done"]
Remover == RemoveElement
Next == Adder \/ Remover
\/ (* Disjunct to prevent deadlock on termination *)
((\A self \in ProcSet: pc[self] = "Done") /\ UNCHANGED vars)
Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_vars
Termination == <>(\A self \in ProcSet: pc[self] = "Done")
IsStackAlwaysUnitLength == Len(stack) = 1
Congratulations, you've hit a PlusCal bug! And also an edge case that's not a bug but still unintuitive. Let's start with the bug.
Sometimes when using PlusCal we want to have multiple processes share labels. We do this with a procedure. In order to make it all work the PlusCal translator adds an extra bookkeeping variable called stack
. Normally, if the user defines a variable foo
that conflicts with a generated variable foo
, the translation renames one to foo_
. In this case, since there was no conflict, there wasn't any renaming.* The bug is that the translator got confused and translated the variable as if it was supposed to be the bookkeeping stack
. You can see this as it turned the append into
stack' = [stack EXCEPT ![0] = Append(stack, Len(stack))]
When it should just be
stack' = Append(stack, Len(stack))
You can fix this by renaming stack
to mystack
. That should get the spec behaving properly. But it will still pass: that's because you put IsStackAlwaysUnitLength
as a property and not an invariant. As a temporal property, IsStackAlwaysUnitLength
is true if it's true in the initial state. As an invariant, IsStackAlwaysUnitLength
is true if it's true in all states.** YOu can get the spec to fail properly by changing IsStackAlwaysUnitLength
from a temporal property to an invariant in the "what is the model" page.
*Actually in this case the translator won't rename stack
if you add a procedure, it just throws an error. But that's still fail-safe.
**This is because TLC (the model checker) treats the invariant P
as the temporal property []P
. It's syntactic sugar, basically.