The question is as follows.
Consider a router that interconnects three subnets: A, B, and C. Suppose all of the interfaces in each of these subnets are required to have the prefix Suppose subnet A and B are each required to support 2000 interfaces, and subnet C is required to support 4000 interfaces. Provide network addresses for A,B and C (in the form a.b.c.d/x) that satisfy these constraints.
I have the answer for A as
I believe that is acceptable. I understand the /21 part somewhat, 2^11 so take that from 32bits thats where the /21 comes from. Something along that logic. What confuses me why is 112 acceptable. I have tried converting the whole thing to binary and still can't see why. I know you must do something with 2^11, like this ? 0/000 0000 0000
Anyways, If someone could point me in the correct way, If I understand the first one I should be able figure out the rest. If I am way off, I do apologize.
I appreciate it, Thanks.
An IPv4 is 4 bytes (32 bits). Each byte can take a value from 0 to 255.
is saying that the highest 19 bits will be allways the same:
The binary representation (higher bits on the left):
The first 19 bits:
Subnets A and B need 2000 addresses, the nearest power of 2 is 11 (2048). This means they need adresses of 11 bits.
Subnet C needs 4000 addresses, the nearest power of 2 is 12 (4096). This means they need address of 12 bits.
For the C subnet:
32 bits of IPv4 address
- 19 bits (fixed)
- 12 bits (address space)
= 1 bits we can use to divide in subnets of 4096 addresses
If (conveniently for the OP) we select the 20th bit with value 0 as the C subnet, C would be defined as:
01110111.00111101.0110 =
For A nd B subnets
32 bits of IPv4 address
- 19 bits (fixed)
- 11 bits (address space)
= 2 bits we can use to divide in subnets of 2048 addresses
As C subnet has the 20th bit set to 0 for A and B this bit will have a value of 1. And the 21st bit (again conveniently for the OP) we will define the value of 0 for subnet A and 1 for subnet B.
Subnet A
01110111.00111101.01110 =
Subnet B
01110111.00111101.01111 =