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What's the most popular code snippet platform for iPhone/iPad?

I'm wondering which platform do iPhone/iPad developers make use of or contributions to, like Snippler for instance. Instead of searching every code snippet platform for the number of iPhone tagged snippets (in fact I did search 6-7 platforms and could come up with just Snippler), I wanted to get your choices and your reasons behind.


  • This is a great question, thanks!

    I personally have not even heard of Snipplr, which seems like a good idea.

    I would tentatively tell you that it is not popular / unknown with iPhone peoples.

    I'm inclined to believe actually StackOverflow is the best place for snippets.

    FTR, every single time I have found a snippet useful to me, it has been from Stack Overflow !

    For now, I actually think the answer is "stackoverflow". Hope it helps.