I try to automaticaly export the data from the csv link of this website https://www.finanssivalvonta.fi/en/capital-markets/issuers-and-investors/Managers-transactions/shortselling/ using R and the package httr
an rvest
. I tried the following code without success and I don't understand my mistake.
When going on the website and using chrome to see the POST that is done I see the following link https://www.finanssivalvonta.fi/api/shortselling/datatable/current/export. But when using the same link in R I have a status code 500. Do I have to copy all the header/body from the chrome POST? If yes how can I do it?
res <- POST("https://www.finanssivalvonta.fi/api/shortselling/datatable/current/export")
# 500
I also tried to export directly the table using the following code but the webpage seems not to have finish to load
url <- html_session("https://www.finanssivalvonta.fi/en/capital-markets/issuers-and-investors/Managers-transactions/shortselling/")
url %>% html_nodes("table") %>% .[[1]] %>% html_table(fill=T)
# Error in matrix(NA_character_, nrow = n, ncol = maxp) :
# invalid 'ncol' value (too large or NA)
# In addition: Warning messages:
# 1: In max(p) : no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
# 2: In matrix(NA_character_, nrow = n, ncol = maxp) :
# NAs introduced by coercion to integer range
Many thanks
# Get the session of the URL
# RVEST POST the data to the export URL
"draw"= 2,
"columns[0][data]"= "positionHolder",
"columns[0][searchable]"= "true",
"columns[1][searchable]"= "true",
"columns[1][orderable]"= "false",
"columns[2][searchable]"= "true",
"columns[3][search][regex]"= "false",
"start"= 0,
"length"= 10,
"lang"= "en",
"exportOptions[columnData][positionHolder]"= "Position holder",
"exportOptions[columnData][issuerName]" ="Name of the issuer",
"exportOptions[columnData][isinCode]" = "ISIN",
"exportOptions[columnData][netShortPositionInPercent]"="Net short position (%)",
writeBin(page$response$content , "data_table.csv")
I used CHROME's advanced tool to track the network traffic when you click "EXPORT in the above URL". I used the same parameters to POST the data and save the result as CSV.