I am trying to figure out how to split a string into segments of 2 words where the first word of the second segment repeats the last word of the first. (in Python 2)For example, "hi i am a human named joe norman" should slit into "hi i", "i am", "am joe", "joe norman". I have the following code:
txt = raw_input("")
newtxt = txt.split(" ")
the problem with this is that it splits txt by each space, not every other. I would like to use no libraries. Thank you.
Use zip:
t = "hi i am a human named joe norman"
words = t.split()
result = list(zip(words, words[1:]))
for first, second in result:
print("{} {}".format(first, second))
hi i
i am
am a
a human
human named
named joe
joe norman