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v16.6.0 or higher Context API not working when child is used in component that provides the context

I'am using the new context API of react (v16.6.0 or higher) by declaring the public static contextType inside the component that consumes the context. This is working fine as long as the component that declares the Provider does not directly use a component that consumes the context in it's render() method.



This is the component that creates and provides the context.

export const SomeContext = React.createContext({
  someValue: false

export default class ParentWithContext extends Component {
  public render(){
    const contextValue = {someValue: true};
    return (
      <SomeContext.Provider value={contextValue}>
        <ChildOne />

Notice that this component uses ChildOne component (s. right below) in it's render() method.

ChildOne and ChildTwo

These two components simply consume the above context and display it.

export default class ChildOne extends Component {
  public static contextType = SomeContext;
  public render(){
    return (
        {`Context of ChildOne: ${this.context.someValue}`}

export default class ChildTwo extends Component {
  public static contextType = SomeContext;
  public render(){
    return (
        {`Context of ChildTwo: ${this.context.someValue}`}


class App extends Component {

  render() {
    return (
        <ChildTwo />
        <ChildOne />

Running this example will produce following lines:

Context of ChildOne: undefined
Context of ChildTwo: true
Context of ChildOne: undefined

So ChildTwo seems to receive the correct information from this.context, while ChildOne receives nothing.

Now comes the weird part (to me): When you remove the <ChildOne/> from ParentWithContext it suddenly works for both ChildOne and ChildTwo

New ParentWithContext

export default class ParentWithContext extends Component {
  public render(){
    const contextValue = {someValue: true};
    return (
      <SomeContext.Provider value={contextValue}>

New HTML output

Context of ChildTwo: true
Context of ChildOne: true

Running Code


Why is the context API (>=v16.6) not working (using static contextType) when the Provider component directly uses a child component that consumes the context in it's render() function? Is this a bug or a known limitation? Did I miss something?

Additonal information

Using <SomeContext.Consumer> will work as expected.

export default class ChildOne extends Component {
  public render(){
    return (
        {context =>
          {`Context of ChildOne: ${context.someValue}`}

Of course it's not a solution for this issue but might be a useful information.


  • I was creating an issue on reacts github to find out that it was not a react bug but a Javascript/Typescript issue.


    Wrong import ordering caused the "bug". Because ChildOne was imported (in ParentWithContext) before the declartion of the context, SomeContext was actually undefined when it was imported in ChildOne.

    import ChildOne from "./ChildOne";
    export const SomeContext = React.createContext({
      someValue: false

    So one solution would be to exhcange those two statemants

    export const SomeContext = React.createContext({
      someValue: false
    import ChildOne from "./ChildOne";

    Or simply (and IMHO cleaner) extract the context into it's own file. That way you exclude any similiar issues in the future.