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Internal Blog Accessable by Remote employees

I am currently working with a friend on starting a business. Some of this work is being done remotely by each of us. I know there are a lot of companies out there doing this and I am wondering how I can setup an internal blog thing similar to what Zapier talks about on a public web server. I would like to make it so that the blog posts are things fed from Slack and other integrations as well. Would doing it with a sub domain and a log in be really the best way to go with it?

Mostly just looking for thoughts and ideas.


  • IMO, it's super subjective to say "this is how it works" when it comes to communication & productivity.

    I've been working remotely for the past two years and all I can say it's impossible for me to work without these tools:

    • Slack with a paid plan ("When you're on Slack, you're at the office" rule + video calls)
    • Trello / Airtable (task management & product design / KPI reporting)
    • Zapier to set custom notifications (new invoice uploaded on Dropbox, new cards added in Trello)
    • a great email manager (I like Spark)

    Just try as many tools as you need, pick up your favorites and get rid off those you never use and everything will be fine. Also, read this book from Zapier's CEO Wade Foster, it's super inspiring:

    I like the idea of feeding a private blog, I've done that once for a company on Medium and I was surprised how everyone read and reacted to the article.

    You could set up a zap like this:

    • Trigger: every time a message is posted in a given Slack channel
    • Action: creates a new post in WordPress.

    Zapier example

    So if you really want to try it, looks like you can ;)