I have a group of ToogleButtons. Inside the adapter
I got them in an array:
val groupToggleButtons = arrayOf( holder.one,
So, in this group of six, only one can be checked. If I press the button holder.two
and then the holder.six
, the holder.two
must be unchecked on time. Get it?
I've tried the next logic, but without sucess... the findViewById doesn't work, of course (because is an adapter), but then I don't know what to do, tried a lot a logics... nothing did what I want. Here's the code:
groupToggleButtons.forEach {
it.setOnCheckedChangeListener { v, isChecked ->
val buttonId = v.id
for (i in 0 until groupToggleButtons.size) {
if (i != buttonId) {
val buttonToOff = findViewById(i) as ToggleButton
buttonToOff.isChecked = false
You have to filter from the array all the buttons that are checked and uncheck them:
groupToggleButtons.forEach {
it.setOnCheckedChangeListener { v, isChecked ->
if (isChecked)
groupToggleButtons.filter { it != v && it.isChecked }.forEach { it.isChecked = false }