I am trying to create a GraphQL implementation in my node project. I have created a schema and resolver in separate js and I am calling them from the index.js file. Below are the codes in the schema, resolver, and index js files
const schema = `
type Query {
testFunction(): String!
schema {
query: Query
module.exports = schema;
const resolvers = ()=>({
return "returned from custom test function";
module.exports = resolvers;
const graphqlSchema = require('./graphql/schema');
const createResolvers = require('./graphql/resolvers');
const executableSchema = makeExecutableSchema({
typeDefs: [graphqlSchema],
resolvers: createResolvers()
const server=hapi.server({
port: 4000,
register: apolloHapi,
options: {
path: '/graphql',
apolloOptions: () => ({
pretty: true,
schema: executableSchema,
register: graphiqlHapi,
options: {
path: '/graphiql',
graphiqlOptions: {
endpointURL: '/graphql',
const init= async()=>{
await server.start();
console.log(`Server is running at: ${server.info.uri}`);
I am getting the below error when starting the server
node_modules\graphql\language\parser.js:1463 throw (0, _error.syntaxError)(lexer.source, token.start, "Expected >".concat(kind, ", found ").concat((0, _lexer.getTokenDesc)(token)));
Please help me out in understanding where I am going wrong and how to overcome the issue.
Any field in a schema can have arguments. If a field includes arguments, they should be wrapped in a pair of parentheses, like this:
type Query {
testFunction(someArg: Int): String!
However, when there are no arguments, it's not valid syntax to just have an empty pair of parentheses. You should omit them altogether, like this:
type Query {
testFunction: String!