I developed a MVC application using abp boilerplate and now I have the necessity to expose some services via WFC/SOAP.
The idea is to create a WFC Service, inject the required IApplicationService
and use it.
Something like:
// this code does not work
public class MyFirstService : IMyFirstService, ITransientDependency {
private readonly ICourseAppService _courseAppService;
// Injection here does not work!
public MyFirstService(ICourseAppService courseAppService) {
_courseAppService = courseAppService;
public CourseDto GetData(int id) {
return _courseAppService.Get(id);
But this code does not work. :-(
The first error I have is from WCF saying the Service does not have a default constructor without parameters. So I am on the wrong way.
How can I inject the service into the SOAP service?
The answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/46048289/752004 did not help me.
Abp uses the Castle Windsor, so following the suggestions from this answer and this article I found the solution.
class where I registered MyService
(defined in pt. 3):[DependsOn(typeof(BookingCoreModule), typeof(BookingApplicationModule))]
public class BookingSoapModule : AbpModule {
public override void Initialize() {
interface (note that it extends ITransientDependency
public interface IMyService : ITransientDependency {
CourseDto GetCourse(int courseId);
public class MyService : IMySecondService {
private readonly ICourseAppService _courseAppService;
public IAbpSession AbpSession { get; set; }
public ILogger Logger { get; set; }
public MyService(ICourseAppService courseAppService) {
AbpSession = NullAbpSession.Instance;
Logger = NullLogger.Instance;
_courseAppService = courseAppService;
public CourseDto GetCourse(int courseId) {
AsyncHelper.RunSync(async () => {
var course = await _courseAppService.Get(courseId);
return course;