By contrast to mousedown, it seems that the mouseup event is not fired by a CodeMirror instance (its documentation does not include a mouseup event).
I need to react to a mouseup event to move the focus to another Codemirror instance.
The situation is the following: one editor (say, editor1) is "read-only", but selection (and copy to clipboard) must be allowed. If only a click on editor1 is performed, the focus must be moved to the other instance (say, editor2). If a selection is made on editor1, the focus must not be moved to editor2.
I can react on mousedown (as in the next example), but not on mouseup:
var editor1 = CodeMirror(document.body, {
readOnly : true,
cursorBlinkRate : -1
var editor2 = CodeMirror(document.body);
editor1.on("mousedown", function (cm, ev) {
ev.codemirrorIgnore = true;
You shouldn't use codemirros mouse events for that use case. Instead I would recommend to use vanilla mouse events
and then check if the selection is empty and if so move the focus