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Goutte - get link from a td while iterating through columns

I am trying to get a mixture of text and href from a table, the last column contains href while the others is just text. How can I get the text and appropriate href while iterating.

I have html table and I want to make array from the table

$html = '<table>

As you can see, the last column is a link while the others are text, I want to extract the text and link so that my array must look like this

      "<a href='link1'><img src='profile.jpg' /><a/>",
      "<a href='link2'><img src='profile.jpg' /><a/>",
      "<a href='link3'><img src='profile.jpg' /><a/>",

I now can use this function below to get the text from the table

$table = $crawler->filter('table')->filter('tr')->each(function ($tr, $i) {
    return $tr->filter('td')->each(function ($td, $i) {
        return trim($td->text());

but the last column is a link how do i capture it using link()?


  • can you check by $i in second loop? so if $i==3 it means function should return link().