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Getting Null value in parameter of Action method

I am getting null value in the parameter of my action method.

this is my action method

    public ActionResult ProjectData(int? formId)
                if (formId == null)
                    return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);

                return View();


and this is my view of actionlink

@foreach (var projects in Model)
                    int formId = Convert.ToInt32(@projects.FormId);

                    @*<td><a href="#">@projects.SurveyName</a></td>*@
                    @*<td>@Html.ActionLink(@projects.SurveyName, "ActionName", new { id = @projects.FormId })</td>*@

                    <td>@Html.ActionLink(@projects.SurveyName, "ProjectData" , "Home", new {id = formId}, null)</td>



I am using list of user defined type model:

@model IEnumerable<MVC.ProjectInformation>

When I click on actionlink under the loop it should send id to the controller actionmethod but I get the parameter null always. Specific Actionlink:

@Html.ActionLink(@projects.SurveyName, "ProjectData" , "Home", new {id = formId}, null)

I can see the id by debugging on the View but on controller actionmethod I cannot get that id value.


  • The ActionLink's routeValues object properties need to match the parameters of the controller action.

    Currently it is

    new { id = formId }

    which would not match the parameter of the ProjectData

    public ActionResult ProjectData(int? formId)

    Update to match

    @Html.ActionLink(@projects.SurveyName, "ProjectData" , "Home", new {formId = formId}, null)