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Print formatted strings with variables while synchronously iterating multiple arrays

It is known that array_combine is used only for two arrays. For example

$name = array('John','Brian','Raj');
$salary = array('500','1000','2000');
$details = array_combine($name, $salary);
foreach($details AS $name => $salary){
    echo $name."'s salary is ".$salary."<br/>";

Let add 2 arrays in this list

$dpart = array('HTML','CSS','PHP');
$address = array('Floor 3','Floor 5','Floor 6');

In that case, only array_combine() is not enough, so I found array_map() is the better solution here. But how to echo array_map() result? How to access values of array generated by array_map() and fetch according individual requirement.

$details = array_map(function($item) {
    return array_combine(['name', 'salary', 'dpart', 'address'], $item);
}, array_map(null, $name, $salary, $dpart, $address));

Now requirement is to access all four arrays with individual values. For example

$name."'s salary is ".$salary.", address is ".$address.", depart is ".$dpart


  • You can access result simply using foreach. Loop $details as

    foreach($details as $item) {
        $name    = $item['name'];
        $salary  = $item['salary'];
        $dpart   = $item['dpart'];
        $address = $item['address'];
        echo $name."'s salary is ".$salary.", address is ".$address.", depart is ".$dpart."<br/>";

    Or without the assignment within the loop:

    foreach($details as $item)
        print "{$item['name']}'s salary is {$item['name']}, address is {$item['dpart']}, depart is {$item['address']}<br/>";