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Insert a Cursor directly into a table in Android

I have an instance of sqlite.SQLiteCursor and a Table which have the same schema (same columns). I want to insert data from cursor into the table. I can extract data from cursor and use SQLiteDatabase#insert() method, but is there a method that does them internally? For example if I have multiple tables and related cursors, creating multiple methods, for inserting, for each pair is time consuming task.


  • is there a method that does them internally?

    I don't believe so as a Cursor isn't necessarily the entire contents of a single table and often a Cursor can have derived columns (e.g. column_x + column y AS new_column) and columns from other joined tables.

    It would be a relatively simple task to write a common method that if passed the table name and the Cursor to extract the column names (Cursor#getColumnNames()) and build the INSERT SQL for any cursor/table combination IF the Cursor and Table Column names matched (more difficult but possible to ignore column's not in the table perhaps utilising the table_info PRAGMA).

    Saying that an intermediate Cursor isn't necessarily required as you could use INSERT INTO newtable SELECT * FROM old_table;

    Working Example (crude)

    public class DBHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
        public static final String DBNAME = "mydb";
        public static final int DBVERSION = 1;
        public static final String TBL_MASTER = "master";
        public static final String COL_ID = BaseColumns._ID;
        public static final String COL_NAME = "name";
        public static final String COL_OTHER = "other";
        public static final String COL_MYBLOB = "myblob";
        public static final String COL_MYFLOAT = "myfloat";
        SQLiteDatabase mDB;
        public DBHelper(Context context) {
            super(context, DBNAME, null, DBVERSION);
            mDB = this.getWritableDatabase();
        public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
            String crt_table_sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + TBL_MASTER + "(" +
                    COL_ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," +
                    COL_NAME + " TEXT," +
                    COL_OTHER + " TEXT," +
                    COL_MYBLOB + " BLOB," +
                    COL_MYFLOAT + " REAL " +
        public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int i, int i1) {
        public long insertData(String name, String other, byte[] myblob,float myfloat ) {
            ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
            return mDB.insert(TBL_MASTER,null,cv);
        public Cursor getAll() {
           return getFromTable(TBL_MASTER);
        public Cursor getFromTable(String table_name) {
            return mDB.query(table_name,null,null,null,null,null,null);
        public boolean createTableBasedUponAnotherTable(String existing_table_name, String new_table_name) {
            boolean rv = false;
            String sql_column = "sql";
            String whereclause = "name=? AND type = ?";
            String[] whereargs = new String[]{existing_table_name,"table"};
            String[] columns = new String[]{sql_column};
            Cursor csr = mDB.query("sqlite_master",columns,whereclause,whereargs,null,null,null);
            if (csr.moveToFirst()) {
                String sql = csr.getString(csr.getColumnIndex(sql_column)).replace(existing_table_name,new_table_name).replace("CREATE TABLE","CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS");
                rv = true;
            return rv;
        private boolean ifTableExists(String table_name) {
            boolean rv = false;
            String whereclause = "name=? AND type = ?";
            String[] whereargs = new String[]{table_name,"table"};
            Cursor csr = mDB.query("sqlite_master",null,null,null,null,null,null);
            if (csr.moveToFirst()) {
                rv = true;
            return rv;
        public boolean copyTableViaCursor(Cursor csr, String table_name) {
            boolean rv = false;
            ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
            int rows_processed;
            if(!ifTableExists(table_name)) {
                csr.moveToPosition(-1); // just in case position the cursor to before the first row
                while (csr.moveToNext()) {
                    for (int i=0; i < csr.getColumnCount(); i++) {
                        switch  (csr.getType(i)) {
                            case Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_BLOB:
                            case Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT:
                            case Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER:
                            case Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING:
            return rv;

    public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
        DBHelper mDBHlpr;
        Cursor csr;
        String new_table = DBHelper.TBL_MASTER + "_new";
        protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
            mDBHlpr = new DBHelper(this);
            mDBHlpr.insertData("Fred","more about fred",new byte[]{7,8,4,55,67,127,126,99},321.76894F);
            mDBHlpr.insertData("Bert","something or other about bert",new byte[]{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0},1234567890.675342F);
            mDBHlpr.insertData("Mary","definitely not something about Mary",new  byte[]{},0.000000000000F);
            DatabaseUtils.dumpCursor(csr = mDBHlpr.getAll());
            csr = mDBHlpr.getFromTable(new_table);

    Output in Log :-

    2019-01-05 19:03:56.791 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out: >>>>> Dumping cursor android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@268ba35
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.791 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out: 0 {
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.791 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out:    _id=1
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.791 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out:    name=Fred
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.791 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out:    other=more about fred
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.792 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out:    myblob=<unprintable>
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.792 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out:    myfloat=321.769
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.792 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out: }
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.792 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out: 1 {
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.792 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out:    _id=2
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.792 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out:    name=Bert
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.792 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out:    other=something or other about bert
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.792 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out:    myblob=<unprintable>
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.792 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out:    myfloat=1.23457e+09
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.793 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out: }
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.793 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out: 2 {
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.793 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out:    _id=3
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.793 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out:    name=Mary
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.793 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out:    other=definitely not something about Mary
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.793 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out:    myblob=<unprintable>
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.793 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out:    myfloat=0
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.793 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out: }
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.793 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out: <<<<<
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.795 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out: >>>>> Dumping cursor android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@268ba35
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.795 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out: 0 {
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.796 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out:    _id=1
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.796 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out:    name=Fred
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.796 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out:    other=more about fred
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.796 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out:    myblob=<unprintable>
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.796 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out:    myfloat=321.769
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.796 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out: }
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.796 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out: 1 {
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.796 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out:    _id=2
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.796 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out:    name=Bert
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.796 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out:    other=something or other about bert
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.796 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out:    myblob=<unprintable>
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.796 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out:    myfloat=1.23457e+09
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.796 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out: }
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.796 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out: 2 {
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.796 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out:    _id=3
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.796 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out:    name=Mary
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.796 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out:    other=definitely not something about Mary
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.796 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out:    myblob=<unprintable>
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.796 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out:    myfloat=0
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.796 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out: }
    2019-01-05 19:03:56.796 4211-4211/ptfc.populatetablefromcursor I/System.out: <<<<<