I am looking forward to build a prototype, which should be running completely headless and without user interaction, system should be able to start a barcode reader, send it over the internet to a php as file.php?code=var ...
Which is the simplest way to do this?
I am thinking off:
Does anyone have a better approach.
System should be completely autonomous, plug it in, scan barcode, send code, repeat...
Your job can be divided into three main tasks:
There are lot of different possible ways to achieve this. But keep always in mind, that you don't have to re-invent the wheel:
As already mentioned: Use the programming language you have good in command or you're curious about. You mentioned that the target system will be a PHP-Script, so the transfer console application could also be realized with PHP .
do while(true) {
// wait for bar-code reader input
$code = readline();
// transfer code to
See PHP-Manual Readline-functiond for more details.