I'll try to keep this simple.
I have two queries that work just fine, they both count how many users signed up that day between a specific date range.
Query 1 - gets a list of users that signed up for each day a year from today. Here is a picture of the outcome.
SELECT users.created::date,
FROM users
WHERE users.created::date < now() - interval '12 month'
AND users.created::date > now() - interval '13 month'
AND users.thirdpartyid = 100
GROUP BY users.created::date
ORDER BY users.created::date
Query 2 - gets a list of users that signed up for each day a month ago from today. Here is a picture of this outcome.
SELECT users.created::date,
FROM users
WHERE users.created::date > now() - interval '1 month'
AND users.thirdpartyid = 100
GROUP BY users.created::date
ORDER BY users.created::date
What I'm stuck on is how can I combine these two queries so that I could create a stack bar graph on my redash website. They are obviously both different years but I'd like my X axis to be the day of the month and the Y to be the number of users. Thank you.
Here is an example output that I think would work perfectly for me.
| Day of the month | Users signed up December 2017 | Users signed up December 2018 |------------------ | ----------------------------- | -----------------------------| | 01 45 56 | ----------------- | ---------------------------- | -----------------------------| | 02 47 32 | ----------------- | ---------------------------- | -----------------------------| etc...
You could try using filters. I took the liberty to select the day of month as you seem to want that rather than the full date.
SELECT date_part('day', users.created::date) as day_of_month,
count(users.id) FILTER (
WHERE users.created::date < now() - interval '12 month'
AND users.created::date > now() - interval '13 month') AS month_12,
count(users.id) FILTER (
WHERE users.created::date > now() - interval '1 month') AS month_1
FROM users
users.created::date < now() - interval '12 month'
AND users.created::date > now() - interval '13 month'
) OR users.created::date > now() - interval '1 month'
AND users.thirdpartyid = 100
GROUP BY day_of_month
ORDER BY day_of_month