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Trouble decrypting bytes with ECB mode encryption

I'm having trouble decrypting a byte string using the openssl crate. As a heads up this is for the Cryptopals challenges, specifically set 2 problem 2. The text file has been encrypted using AES with CBC mode, but I guess a single block can be decrypted with ECB.

I've already tried decrypting the entire 10.txt file with CBC mode, and I know that works. I've also used the following Python code to verify that ECB decryption of the sames bytes also works.

For Python 3:

from base64 import b64decode
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
def main():
    with open("10.txt") as input_file:
        data = b64decode(

    data = data[0:AES.block_size]
    cipher =, AES.MODE_ECB)
    x = cipher.decrypt(data)

For Rust:

extern crate openssl;

use openssl::symm::decrypt;
use openssl::symm::{encrypt, Cipher};

static KEY: &'static [u8] = b"YELLOW SUBMARINE";

fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    // No idea why this OpenSSL call doesn't work.
    let data = b"\x09\x12\x30\xaa\xde\x3e\xb3\x30\xdb\xaa\x43\x58\xf8\x8d\x2a\x6c";
    let cipher = Cipher::aes_128_ecb();
    let new_data = decrypt(cipher, KEY, None, data);
    println!("error {:?}", new_data);


I expected to see this function decrypt the byte string in Rust the same way it has been done in python.


  • OpenSSL is telling you that your input is not correctly padded. Change the input to

    let data = b"\x09\x12\x30\xaa\xde\x3e\xb3\x30\xdb\xaa\x43\x58\xf8\x8d\x2a\x6c\x60\xfa\x36\x70\x7e\x45\xf4\x99\xdb\xa0\xf2\x5b\x92\x23\x01\xa5";

    and you’ll see that your code decrypts it correctly.

    If you need to disable padding, you can do that by using a Crypter object and calling .pad(false) on it (example).