I have a really annoying intermittent issue when loading a series of assets using the Loader class in AIR 1.5.
I am creating four instances of a slideshow that I written, and 9/10 times it works but every now and then one or two of the slideshows fail and I found that it just stops loading images when that happens, maybe loads half of them, there are no runtime errors reported even though I use try and catch.
All the images are loaded sequentially but the slideshows are in parallel, I am thinking maybe this is the problem? Has anyone had issues with parallel loading? Should you always load sequentially even in AIR?
Yes, definitely try to avoid parallel loading, unless you have control over how many concurrent threads can run. So use a sequential load manager and maybe let it use multiple loading threads to work through the sequence, but not more than 2-3.
I think the reason why it's intermittent is because of speed variation, if it's fast enough you get everything loaded, but as soon as something is a bit slower you get failed loads.