I have a R x 1 cell array (R is the number of rows), where each entry is a M x N x P array. How do I sum each of the arrays in the cell array so each entry is added within each M x N x P array? Can I do this with cellfun
I found this method in a similar question, but it returns a 1 x N x P array instead of the M x N x P array (see B
) or I get an error "Error using cell2mat Too many input arguments" (see C
M = 3;
N = 2;
P = 4;
A{1,1} = ones(M,N,P);
A{1,2} = 2*ones(M,N,P);
A{1,3} = 3*ones(M,N,P);
B = sum([A{:}]);
C = sum(cell2mat(A{:}),1);
I expect to get an M x N x P array but where each element is the sum of all of the elements in the i, j, k location of each of the cell entries.
B(1,1) = 6 % for all entries
Why do you have a cell array in the first place? You could store all the equal-sized 3D arrays into a 4D array, and then what you want is just the sum over the fourth dimension.
If you really need a cell array, concatenate first along the fourth dimension to create the 4D array, then sum:
result = sum(cat(4, A{:}), 4);
If you need the cell array and concatenating into a 4D array gives you an error due to insufficient memory, you may need to resort to a loop:
result = zeros(size(A{1}));
for k = 1:numel(A)
result = result + A{k};
You cannot use cellfun
, at least not in a natural way, because cellfun
applies a function to each cell, whereas you want to apply a function (sum) to each entry of all cells.