Search code examples

Finding the closest strike to current stock price from an option chain.

The goal is to find the closest strike price from an option chain. This is as far as I have gotten.

tickers = c("AAPL", "MSFT", "GS")
price = getQuote(tickers)
chains = lapply(tickers, getOptionChain, exp = "2019-01-25")
calls = lapply(chains, function(x) x$calls)

##I was thinking to use a function such as

which.min(abs(calls - price))

However I am not to sure in how to put this into lapply or if there is a better alternative. Price is a data frame and calls is a list. Thanks in advance


  • To get the corresponding rows we may use

    Map(function(cl, p) cl[which.min(abs(p - cl$Strike)), ], calls, price$Last)
    # [[1]]
    #                     Strike Last  Chg  Bid  Ask   Vol   OI
    # AAPL190104C00148000    148  0.3 0.21 0.24 0.42 43235 4344
    # [[2]]
    #                     Strike Last Chg  Bid  Ask  Vol   OI
    # MSFT190104C00102000    102 0.04   0 0.02 0.09 6397 3250
    # [[3]]
    #                   Strike Last  Chg Bid  Ask  Vol  OI
    # GS190104C00175000    175 0.25 0.13   0 0.25 2624 678


    # [1] 148.26 101.93 175.05

    In this case lapply is not the best option since we have to work with two objects at the same time: price and calls. In that case mapply and Map do the job, with Map being the same as mapply with SIMPLIFY = FALSE.

    So, we go over both calls and price$Last simultaneously and apply

    function(cl, p) cl[which.min(abs(p - cl$Strike)), ]