I want to pass the current user within my Vagrantfile, but I'm not sure how to do it.
I've tried this:
config.vm.provision :shell, inline: "echo $(whoami) > /etc/profile.d/me"
But it results in 'root' being put into the file, which I assume is the vagrant host's user. I want to get the username for the host.
That's because your inline shell script runs inside the vagrant box.
You can do it like this:
Get username from host depending on platform (you can simplify this if you never expect a windows host).
@host_user = Gem.win_platform? ? "#{ENV['USERNAME']}" : "#{ENV['USER']}"
Pass the username from the host as environment variable during the provisioning and use it in an inline script.
config.vm.provision "Passing host username as env var...", type: :shell, inline: $hostUser, env: {"HOST_USER" => "#{@host_user}"}
Add this outside the ruby part, it gets then run by the code above and appends the username which got passed as environment variable to the file you specified:
$hostUser = <<-SET_HOST_USER
echo "$HOST_USER" > /etc/profile.d/me"