With the following code:
<button (click)="myMethod()">myMethod()</button>
<!-- <button (click)="foo()">foo()</button> -->
<ng-container [ngSwitch]="state">
<ng-container *ngSwitchCase="0">
<button (click)="myMethod()">myMethod()</button>
<button (click)="foo()">foo()</button><!-- why no error -->
<div *ngSwitchCase="1"></div>
export class MyComponent {
public state = 0;
public myMethod(): void {
// no op
ng build --aot
builds, but if you uncomment the 2nd line in the template you expectedly get
Property 'foo' does not exist on type 'MyComponent'.
Why does the <button (click)="foo()">foo()</button>
inside the ng-container
not error?
Before you suggest:
<div *ngSwitchCase="0">
<button (click)="myMethod()">myMethod()</button>
<button (click)="foo()">foo()</button><!-- why no error -->
that will render as
but I need just
And there are other ways around this, but the question is for fundamental understanding before making bug or feat.
"Are there any other ways around this...?"
Have you tried this: https://angular.io/guide/aot-compiler#fulltemplatetypecheck ?
It looks like this AOT setting is (currently) inactive by default.
Also see this section at compiler github on binding expressions: https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/master/aio/content/guide/aot-compiler.md#phase-3-binding-expression-validation
The validation uses the TypeScript type checker and the options supplied to the TypeScript compiler to control how detailed the type validation is
The error 'Property X does not exist on type Y' is thrown at this phase, and the level of validation detail is adjustable via compiler parameters, such as the aforementioned parameter 'fulltemplatetypecheck'.