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How to get all bounced and rejected emails in AWS

I am able to send email using SES (Simple Email Service) in sandbox environment , but i want to get all the emails which were bounced,rejected or had any sort of complain. Can you please tell me in detail about the configuration and Code ( C# language) needed. I am using with C#.



  • You need to create a configuration set in SES through which you can track all the events happen to your sent email, configuration sets currently supports three event destinations

    • cloudwatch
    • SNS
    • Firehose

    you can choose any of them based on your requirement SES will send the payload for your desired event for example and event for bounce email etc.

    I'm posting a screenshot in which i have configured SES configuration set to track emails which are open and deliver the event on cloudwatch and SNS.

    SES configuration set

    for more information you can refer to AWS documentation

    SES configuration Set