I am using pyfinte to calculate multiplication for AES over the field it uses which is F(2^8) but when I do as following:
from pyfinite import ffield
a = 0xbf
b = 0x03
F = ffield.FField(8)
c = F.Multiply(a, b)
the actual result is 0xdc but it should be 0xda here is how I solve it by hand:
0xbf*0x03 = 0xbf * 0x02 + 0xbf * 0x01 = 0b10111111 * 0x02 + 0xbf = 0b01111110 + 0x1B + 0xbf = 0b11011010 = 0xda
here is better format of my hand soloving:
so where is the wrong? is it on my solving by hand? or in pyfinite? how to solve this?
I'm not intimately familiar with AES, but from the link you provided it appears that the generator polynomial for the field is 0x11b. By default, pyfinite uses a different generator, which will produce different multiplication results:
>>> f = ffield.FField(8)
>>> hex(f.generator)
If you specify the generator when you create the field object, you get the result you're expecting:
>>> f = ffield.FField(8, gen=0x11b, useLUT=0)
>>> hex(f.Multiply(0xbf, 0x03))