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How to perform logical test on vector names within an apply function in R

I'm using an apply function to scrape several web pages from the site, with the goal of joining all the data into a single tibble. I am trying to clean the data within the apply function so I can avoid assigning variable names to the data scraped from each web page, which would slow down the process (this is for a project that will eventually scrape a few thousand pages).

Within my apply function, I need to perform a logical test on the name of the url accessed, to know which cleaning functions to apply for that specific data, but I do not know how to access names within a function. Here's my working code:

#Load Libraries

#Define URLs for stat tables (URL order must be in the order of the vector of names in row 22)
Wartburg_2018_url_vector <- c('',
names(Wartburg_2018_url_vector) <- c('Defense',
                                     'Kickoffs and KO Returns',
                                     'Passes Defended',
                                     'Punt Returns',
                                     'Turnover Margin')

#launch RSelenium
shell('docker run -d -p 4445:4444 selenium/standalone-chrome')
remDr <- remoteDriver(remoteServerAddr = "localhost", port = 4445L, browserName = "chrome")

#access webpage, parse the html, read the table/list, select the stat grid, convert to data frame, 
#convert to tibble, convert player names to character string, and name list elements
Wartburg_2018_stat_grid <- Wartburg_2018_url_vector %>%
    function(x) {
      htmlParse(remDr$getPageSource()[[1]]) %>%
        readHTMLTable(stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
        (function(y) {
        }) %>% %>%
        as_tibble() %>%
        mutate(Player = stat_grid.Player) %>%
        if(names(x) == 'Defense') {
          mutate(FR = as.double(gsub(",","",stat_grid.Fumbles.Recovered)),
                 Blocks = as.double(gsub(",","",stat_grid.Blkd))
          ) %>%

I get the following error:

Error in if (.) names(x) == "Defense" else { : argument is not interpretable as logical

When I try to run a simple apply function where I need to access the names within the function, my issue appears to be that names(x) returns a null value.


  • You are confusing the list identifier with names()

    When using lapply(), you are converting Wartburg_2018_stat_grid to a list, then running the functions you specify.
    Similarly, you could do:

    myList <- as.list(Wartburg_2018_stat_grid)

    You can retrieve a value from the list by using it's identifier. e.g.


    This returns the item stored under that identifier. This is different from the name of that item.

    The name is not specified. hence:


    You could specify a name using:

    names(myList$Defense) <- 'name1'

    This will add a name to the item in your list myList that is found under the identifier Defense