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What is RFHUTIL used for?

What is RFHUTIL. What are the uses of it?


  • From the SupportPac IH03 page:

    It allows test messages to be captured and stored in files, and then used to drive WBI Message Broker Version 7 applications. Output messages can also be read and displayed in a variety of formats. The formats include two types of XML as well as matched against a COBOL copybook. The data can be in EBCDIC or ASCII. An RFH2 header can be added to the message before the message is sent.

    WebSphere MQ messages can contain a Rules and Formatting Header or RFH for short. The RFHUtil (and it's client-based companion RFHUtilc) allow for a wide variety of message manipulation with and without these headers. Because the headers are used extensively by WebSphere Message Broker and for v6 Pub/Sub the utility provides a convenient way to perform ad-hoc testing of message flows, publications and subscriptions. It also allows the loading and unloading of queues to files or files to queues, for example to perform regression testing against a known workload.