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How to create listBuffer in collect function

I tought that List is enough but I need to add element to my list.

I've tried to put this in ListBuffer constructor but without result.

  var leavesValues: ListBuffer[Double] =
      .collect { case leaf: Leaf => leaf.value.toDouble }

Later on I'm going to add value to my list so my expected output is mutable list.

Solution of Raman Mishra

But what if I need to append single value to the end of leavesValues

  1. I can reverse but it's not good enough
  2. I can use ListBuffer like below but I believe that there is cleaner solution:

    val leavesValues: ListBuffer[Double] = ListBuffer()
      .collect { case leaf: Leaf => leaf.value.toDouble }


  •   case class Leaf(value:String)
      val leaves = List(Leaf("5"), Leaf("6"), Leaf("7"), Leaf("8") ,Leaf("9") )
      val leavesValues: List[Double] =
          .collect { case leaf: Leaf => leaf.value.toDouble }
      val value = Leaf("10").value.toDouble
      val answer = value :: leavesValues

    you can do it like this after getting the list of leavesValues you can prepand the value you want to add into the list.