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ArrayBuffer.getElementSlowPath Does anyone face this error?

In my project I show library image and video to user but in some device I got the crash like ArrayBuffer.getElementSlowPath. Can anyone guide me how i can replicate this issue? I got this issue from Crashlytics.

enter image description here

Here is my code for get videos from phassests.

 func getVideo(withCompletionHandler completion:@escaping CompletionHandler)  {
        let fetchOptions = PHFetchOptions()
        let requestOptions = PHVideoRequestOptions()
        requestOptions.isNetworkAccessAllowed = false
        fetchOptions.sortDescriptors = [NSSortDescriptor(key:"creationDate", ascending: false)]
        let fetchResult: PHFetchResult = PHAsset.fetchAssets(with:, options: fetchOptions)

        fetchResult.enumerateObjects ({ (assest, index, isCompleted) in
            if assest.sourceType != PHAssetSourceType.typeiTunesSynced{
                PHImageManager.default().requestAVAsset(forVideo: assest , options: requestOptions, resultHandler: { (asset : AVAsset?, video : AVAudioMix?, dic : [AnyHashable : Any]?) in
                    if let _ = asset as? AVURLAsset
                        let objAssest = GallaryAssets()
                        objAssest.objAssetsType = assetsType.videoType
                        objAssest.createdDate = (assest ).creationDate
                        objAssest.assetsDuration = (assest ).duration
                        objAssest.assetsURL = (asset as! AVURLAsset).url
                        objAssest.localizationStr = assest.localIdentifier
                        objAssest.locationInfo = LocationInfo()
                        if let location = (assest).location
                            objAssest.locationInfo.Latitude = "\(location.coordinate.latitude)"
                            objAssest.locationInfo.Longitude = "\(location.coordinate.longitude)"



  • May be some video/ resource is coming from iCloud you need to remove PHVideorequestoptions then check your flow . Hope your crash will solve.

    func getVideo(withCompletionHandler completion:@escaping CompletionHandler)  {
            let fetchOptions = PHFetchOptions()
            fetchOptions.sortDescriptors = [NSSortDescriptor(key:"creationDate", ascending: false)]
            let fetchResult: PHFetchResult = PHAsset.fetchAssets(with:, options: fetchOptions)
            fetchResult.enumerateObjects ({ (assest, index, isCompleted) in
                if assest.sourceType != PHAssetSourceType.typeiTunesSynced{
                    PHImageManager.default().requestAVAsset(forVideo: assest , options: **PHVideoRequestOptions**(), resultHandler: { (asset : AVAsset?, video : AVAudioMix?, dic : [AnyHashable : Any]?) in
                        if let _ = asset as? AVURLAsset
                            let objAssest = GallaryAssets()
                            objAssest.objAssetsType = assetsType.videoType
                            objAssest.createdDate = (assest ).creationDate
                            objAssest.assetsDuration = (assest ).duration
                            objAssest.assetsURL = (asset as! AVURLAsset).url
                            objAssest.localizationStr = assest.localIdentifier
                            objAssest.locationInfo = LocationInfo()
                            if let location = (assest).location
                                objAssest.locationInfo.Latitude = "\(location.coordinate.latitude)"
                                objAssest.locationInfo.Longitude = "\(location.coordinate.longitude)"
                            isCompleted.pointee = true