maybe you know where the problem is.
I have 3 types:
create or replace type t_money as object (
val number(14,2)
,cur varchar2(3 CHAR)
create or replace type t_wallet as object (
name varchar2(50 CHAR)
,amount t_money
create or replace type t_wallets is table of t_wallet;
I need to populate nested table from cursor using bulk collect:
walletCollection t_wallets;
cursor walletCursor is
select 'some name' as name
,t_money(99, 'EUR') as amount
from dual;
open walletCursor;
fetch walletCursor bulk collect into walletCollection;
close walletCursor;
Aaaaaaand ... it doesn't work. I get this error:
ORA-06550: line 9, column 40: PLS-00386: type mismatch found at 'WALLETCOLLECTION' between FETCH cursor and INTO variables
I knew that i can use:
type walletRecords is table of walletCursor%ROWTYPE;
walletCollection walletRecords;
But in this case i can't do that and walletCollection must be the nested table of t_wallets.
How to do that ? Where is the mismatch ?
Oracle Live Script
The mismatch is obvious: your cursor is on a set of rows with two columns, of type VARCHAR2
respectively, but the nested table expects objects of type T_WALLET
. Somewhere, somehow, you must construct objects of type T_WALLET
from the data in the cursor.
Assuming the SELECT
statement in your cursor definition simulates an actual table with two columns, you can wrap that within an outer query where you use the constructor. (Or else the table, or the SELECT
statement, must already store, or create, T_WALLET
walletCollection t_wallets;
cursor walletCursor is
select t_wallet(name, amount) -- THIS outer select, using the constructor
from (
select 'some name' as name
, t_money(99, 'EUR') as amount
from dual
open walletCursor;
fetch walletCursor bulk collect into walletCollection;
close walletCursor;
Here is a brief demo to show that the nested table is populated correctly. Notice the call to dbms_output.put_line
in the procedure body; normally you would only do such thing for development and debugging purposes (and for illustration, as in this case). Make sure you run set serveroutput on
to see the output.
walletCollection t_wallets;
cursor walletCursor is
select t_wallet(name, amount)
from (
select 'some name' as name
, t_money(99, 'EUR') as amount
from dual
open walletCursor;
fetch walletCursor bulk collect into walletCollection;
close walletCursor;
for i in 1 .. walletCollection.Count loop
dbms_output.put_line( 'Name: ' || walletCollection(i).name ||
', amount: ' || walletCollection(i).amount.val ||
', currency: ' || walletCollection(i).amount.cur );
end loop;
Name: some name, amount: 99, currency: EUR
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.