I have 2 Retrofit Clients one of them default and second one has different implementation like (base URL, interceptors etc... )
i need to inject default client without using name reference
first client :-
single<Retrofit> {
Second Client:-
single<Retrofit>("retrofit_second") {
.baseUrl("diffrent url")
My way to inject
val myModule = module {
factory { get<Retrofit>().create(FirstAPI::class.java) } // Why Koin did not figure it without providing its default name !?
factory { get<Retrofit>("retrofit_second").create(SecondAPI::class.java) }
factory<IMyRemoteDataSource> { MyRemoteDataSource(get(), get()) }
factory<IMyRepository> { MyRepository(get()) }
factory { MyUseCase(get()) }
the result is :
Multiple definitions found for type 'class retrofit2.Retrofit' - Koin can't choose between :
Single [name='retrofit_second',class='retrofit2.Retrofit']
Single [name='Retrofit',class='retrofit2.Retrofit']
Why Koin did not get the default Retrofit instance without providing its default name (Retrofit ) !?
factory { get<Retrofit>().create(FirstAPI::class.java) }
You are right @Eslam. Current behavior (as of koin:1.0.2
) is when you don't specify the dependency name, it is treated as an empty string. And then the definitions get filtered by class name:
fun searchByClass(clazz: KClass<*>): List<BeanDefinition<*>> {
return definitions.filter { clazz in it.classes }
As a result you get both of your definitions, which results in the above mentioned error: Multiple definitions for class ...