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Amazon SES does nothing

I'm trying to use the Amazon SES sendTemplatedEmail function.

I have:

  • verified the sending domain
  • verified various emails (company, google, gmx)
  • am in the sandbox
  • created all the templates
  • send test emails and verification emails and they went through

I do:

  • send out emails to the same email as the sender and receive a valid message id
  • to a company email and receive a valid message id
  • to a google email and receive a valid message id
  • to a gmx email and receive a valid message id

No emails are getting delivered and none occur in the send statistics.

What can I do now in order to debug that?


I found a "RenderingFailure" in CloudWatch, and that hints to the error. I can't find the actual error, though.


  • Took me a while to finally debug this.

    I ran this command to test out the template rendering:

    aws ses test-render-template --template-name myTemplate --template-data "{\"key\":\"value\"}"

    This finally showed me what was wrong (I referenced a {{token}} which wasn't defined in my template-data.

    If anyone at AWS is reading this please either default to an empty string or at least show an error message while sending!