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Detect mouse real direction

My goal is to detect the direction of the last mouse movement before the mouseup event trigger.

To avoid validating small involuntary movements (ex: I go with the mouse to the right for 100px and then I stop but involuntarily do 2px to the left) I would confirm the direction only after the mouse pointer has achieved a minimum safety distance (gap) from the last point where it has reversed its direction.

Here is a simplification of my implementation:

var direction = "",
oldx = 0,
invert = 0,
gap = 10,
move = "",
mousemovemethod = function (e) {

    if (e.pageX < oldx) {
        if(direction == "right") invert = e.pageX;
        direction = "left";
        if(e.pageX < invert - gap) move = "left";
    } else if (e.pageX > oldx) {
        if(direction == "left") invert = e.pageX;
        direction = "right"
        if(e.pageX > invert + gap) move = "right";

    document.body.innerHTML = "moving " + direction + ", last inversion point: " + invert + ", Validated movement: " + move;

    oldx = e.pageX;


document.addEventListener('mousemove', mousemovemethod);

And here is a fiddle

The code works but it seems to me verbose and unclear. I have always been poor in this kind of implementation and I was wondering if anyone knew a more elegant way of handling this mechanics.

Every suggestion is welcome.


  • function smooth(){
        var direction="",
        oldx = 0,
           if(Math.abs(dir)> noise){
              (dir <=0 )?direction="right":direction="left";
           document.body.innerHTML = "moving " + direction;
       document.addEventListener('mousemove', mousemove);

    How about this?