In my cube I have
aggregationMy query is:
What are the minimum earnings of the person who decides to buy
apartments in the city center, excluding 5% of the lowest, within
last 2 years?
Now my mdx query looks like that:
[Measures].[MinEarnings] ON COLUMNS
FROM [cube]
BottomCount ([Localization].[Type].&[center], 95, [Measures].[MinEarnings]),
{[Date].[Year].&[2017], [Date].[Year].&[2018]}
I have two problems:
First of all you should use toppercent not bottomcount. you want the min salary of a person who is not in last 5% not last 5. Toppercent will give you the top 95%.
Secondly to filter 0 you can use the following syntax
toppercent (
filter([Localization].[Type].&[center], [Measures].[MinEarnings]>0)
, 95, [Measures].[MinEarnings])
Even now placing the code in the where clause might not work, however try it. I would suggest that you move the toppercent to rows , then order it, then take the top1
toppercent (
filter([Localization].[Type].&[center], [Measures].[MinEarnings]>0)
,95, [Measures].[MinEarnings])
I have an example which gives the minum sales amount of cities, notice i have replaced nulls with 0 to make it as close as possible to your case
with member [Measures].[Internet Sales Amount2] as case when ([Measures].[Internet Sales Amount])=null then 0 else [Measures].[Internet Sales Amount] end
select [Measures].[Internet Sales Amount2]
on columns ,
topcount(order(toppercent(filter([Customer].[City].[City],[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount2]>0),95,[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount2]),[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount2],asc),1)
on rows
from [Adventure Works]
where [Customer].[Country].&[Canada]