I've got the following code. As you can see the last function is undefined
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, DeriveFunctor, DeriveTraversable #-}
module Example where
import Control.Lens
import Data.Functor.Foldable
data PathComponent d a = Directions d | Alt [a] deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
makePrisms ''PathComponent
newtype Path d a = Path [PathComponent d a] deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
directions :: Traversal (Path a p) (Path b p) a b
directions a2fb (Path l) = Path <$> traverse f l where
f (Directions d) = Directions <$> a2fb d
f (Alt p) = (pure . Alt) p
directions' :: Traversal (Fix (Path a)) (Fix (Path b)) a b
directions' = undefined
What I ultimately want to do is map every a
to a b
recursively in the structure. I was hoping I could do this by lifting directions
but I seem to be held back by a) the fact the function declares p
in the s
and t
positions and also b) the fact that _Wrapping
is an Iso'
not a Iso
. Is there an elegant way to fix this?
In directions
we need to traverse the p
with a2fb
too. Since p
is a parameter, we can take its traversal as a parameter. In addition, the f
you've defined is really a traversal of PathComponent
, that we can pull out as well.
First, the traversal of PathComponent a p
, which is parameterized by a traversal of p
(and generalized so the source and target types can vary):
data PathComponent d a = Directions d | Alt [a] deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
{- Morally
traversePC ::
Traversal pa pb a b ->
Traversal (PathComponent a pa) (PathComponent b pb) a b
But the following type is both simpler (rank 1) and more general.
traversePC ::
Applicative m =>
LensLike m pa pb a b ->
LensLike m (PathComponent a pa) (PathComponent b pb) a b
traversePC _tp f (Directions d) = Directions <$> f d
traversePC tp f (Alt pas) = Alt <$> (traverse . tp) f pas
In the Directions
case, we transform the a
to a b
In the Alt
case, we have a list of pa
, so we compose a traversal of that list (traverse
) with the parameter traversal (tp
The traversal of Path
passes tp
to traversePC
newtype Path d a = Path [PathComponent d a] deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
{- Same idea about the types.
directions :: Traversal pa pb a b -> Traversal (Path a pa) (Path b pb) a b
directions ::
Applicative m =>
LensLike m pa pb a b ->
LensLike m (Path a pa) (Path b pb) a b
directions tp f (Path l) = Path <$> (traverse . traversePC tp) f l
And finally, to traverse Fix (Path a)
, this unpacks to h :: Path a (Fix (Path a))
, and we pass down the toplevel traversal for Fix (Path a)
directions' :: Traversal (Fix (Path a)) (Fix (Path b)) a b
directions' f (Fix h) = Fix <$> directions directions' f h
In fact, there is a general pattern here for any Fix
. If you have a functor f
(here Path a
), and there is a traversal of f x
parameterized by a traversal of x
, then you can tie a knot to get a traversal traverseFix'
of Fix f
, applying the parameterized traversal to traverseFix'
traverseFix ::
(forall x y. Traversal x y a b -> Traversal (f x) (g y) a b) ->
Traversal (Fix f) (Fix g) a b
traverseFix ::
Functor m =>
(forall x y. LensLike m x y a b -> LensLike m (f x) (g y) a b) ->
LensLike m (Fix f) (Fix g) a b
traverseFix traverseF = traverseFix' where
traverseFix' f (Fix h) = Fix <$> traverseF traverseFix' f h
So we can redefine directions'
as follows:
directions'' :: Traversal (Fix (Path a)) (Fix (Path b)) a b
directions'' = traverseFix directions