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Stop SetVolumeMountPoint from opening file explorer

I am using SetVolumeMountPoint to mount a vhd to a drive letter of my choosing. The problem is that when the vhd is mounted file explorer automatically opens at the new drive directory. This is a problem for me as I need my programs to remain on the foreground and sometimes the spawned file explorer becomes part of the foreground.



I programmatically set the noautorun registry key using these two methods before mounting my vhd:

        /// <summary>
        /// Removing file explorer auto run for the given DriveLetter so that when a vhd is mounted file explorer doesn't open
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DriveLetter"></param>
        private void RemoveFileExplorerAutoRun(char DriveLetter)
            var KeyPath = "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\Explorer";
            RegistryKey AutoRunKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(KeyPath, true);
            var DriveLetterValue = DriveLetter - 'A';

            if (AutoRunKey != null)
                RemoveFileExplorerAutoRun(AutoRunKey, DriveLetterValue);
            else // create key as it does not exist
                AutoRunKey = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(KeyPath);
                RemoveFileExplorerAutoRun(AutoRunKey, DriveLetterValue);

        private void RemoveFileExplorerAutoRun(RegistryKey AutoRunKey, int DriveLetterValue)
            if (AutoRunKey != null)
                AutoRunKey.SetValue("NoDriveTypeAutoRun", DriveLetterValue);


  • Cleanest way seem to be to catch RegisterWindowMessage("QueryCancelAutoPlay") message by your foreground window and return TRUE from your window procedure.

    EDIT: If foreground window is not your application window, then I would recommend against editing registry, since it is global state, whereas you need just temporary autorun bypass.

    Besides windows hook, mentioned in other answer, I would suggest registering your implementation of IQueryCancelAutoPlay interface in running object table