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create a relationship between non User model and AhoyMessage

I am using Ahoy Email to track emails I send to my restaurants. However I'dd like to create a relationship like so :

  • an AhoyMessage belongs_to a Restaurant

  • a Restaurant has_many AhoyMessages

so that I can access, for example:
==> "+33612345678"

I know when I look at the docs that there is an easy way to do so with the User model, but I can only use my Restaurant model and hence the example in the doc does not work for my particular case.


  • The docs say it's polymorphic and you can use any model.


    class CouponMailer < ApplicationMailer
      track user: -> { Restaurant.find_by(email: }
    class Restaurant < ApplicationRecord
      has_many :messages, class_name: "Ahoy::Message", as: :user

    So you would still use ahoy_message.user.phone_number but the ahoy_message.user is a polymorphic association to a restaurant object.