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CSS from code? How to use CSS decoration directly from Vala?

How to use CSS customization directly from Vala? Not like in this example with file. Let's say I want the button to turn red by clicking on it, without using an external css file, as this action is too simple to create a css file with a single field.

I mean smth like this:

label.set_styleSheet("font-size: 17px;")


  • You still have to create a CssProvider, like in the code you linked to:

    var screen = this.get_screen ();
    var css_provider = new Gtk.CssProvider();

    You can call load_from_data () instead of load_from_path () to load it from a string in memory instead of a file:

    css_provider.load_from_data(".my_class { font-size: 17px; }");
    Gtk.StyleContext.add_provider_for_screen(screen, css_provider, Gtk.STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_USER);

    When the CSS provider has loaded the custom styles to be used, you can manipulate every Gtk+ widget with get_style_context ().

    The style context has methods to add, remove and query a class, etc.


    Since you only have to setup the style provider once, I don't think it is too much overhead.