I am trying to create a table in Prawn using the following code however the columns widths do not suite well for me with columns width I have now. Given that I still have some free space, I want to expand a little bit the second and last columns so I increased both of them to 55.mm
and 20.mm
accordingly but I am getting an error
Prawn::Errors::CannotFit: Table's width was set too small to contain its contents (min width 450.70866141732284, requested 442)
Why does expanding a column width throws Tabe too small
I have calculated the total width of the columns:
9.mm + 45.mm + 20.mm + 20.mm + 20.mm + 30.mm + 15.mm + 20.mm #=> 507.40157480314963
I don't understand it. What am I doing wrong?
bounding_box [0, 792], width: 612, height: 792 do
bounding_box [30, 792], width: 442, height: 792 do
def line_items_table
table line_item_rows, table_options do
row(0).background_color = TABLE_BACKGROUND_COLOR
columns(2..-1).align = :right
def table_options
cell_style: { border_width: 0 },
column_widths: TABLE_COLUMN_WIDTHS,
header: true,
# width: 160.mm
def line_item_rows
TABLE_COLUMN_WIDTHS = { 0 => 9.mm, 1 => 45.mm, 2 => 20.mm, 3 => 20.mm, 4 => 30.mm, 5 => 15.mm, 6 => 15.mm }.freeze
TABLE_HEADERS = [I18n.t('pdf.headers.row_num'), I18n.t('pdf.headers.name'),
I18n.t('pdf.headers.quantity'), I18n.t('pdf.headers.price_net_amount'), I18n.t('pdf.headers.net_amount'),
I18n.t('pdf.headers.vat'), I18n.t('pdf.headers.gross_amount')].freeze
#Table headers above are: 'No', 'Name', 'Qauntity', 'Net Sale', 'Net amount', 'Gross amount', 'VAT'
Table's width was set too small to contain its contents (min width 450.7, requested 442) meaning your total column width must below 442, and your total currently is 450.7, you should change it to below 442
you have line code that set 442
bounding_box [30, 792], width: 442, height: 792 do
if you want to set bigger then my suggestion you should change it first