I have oozie 4.2.0 HDP version, i want to use 'Max-retries' for my spark-action as well as shell action. When i submit the workflow after ERROR state it goes to USER-RETRY state, and then again retries it. When i look into oozie -info for that action it gives me number of retries as '0'.
I looked for '-retries' but its available in 5.x.xversion.
<workflow-app xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.3" name="wf-name">
<action name="a" retry-max="2" retry-interval="1">
Is there any way by which i can look the nunber of retries attempts ?
Yes, you'll get to know if you open oozie job logs. Once you open the OOzie URL, click on the oozie job, then select the action, it gives the link to resource manager page, if you go through the logs, it will be specified there. If it doesn't succeed, it says sleep for a interval and retry 2, ...,etc. Hope this helps.